Sippy Cups

Sippy Cups


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, your little one is likely ready for you to begin introducing sippy cups to him or her between 6 – 9 months old. Usually, if your baby can sit up by themselves in a high chair – meaning, he or she has good neck control, can sit upright unassisted for lengthy periods, and can move their head and hands independently – then you can start thinking about introducing sippy cups and moving away from feedings exclusively by breast and/or bottle. A recent Pediatrics study discovered that about 9 months old is the “ideal” age to transition babies away from the bottle (though direct nursing can – and should – continue for as long as both you and your baby desire); with 12 months being about when he or she should be drinking exclusively by sippy cup (and breast if you are continuing to nurse). At around 6 months, your baby is sitting up and being introduced to solids. This is an ideal time to introduce a sippy cup. Using a cup is an important skill for toddlers to learn. And it's a big step on the road to independence. However, not every baby will be ready to use a sippy cup at six months. Babies all develop differently. Some will pick up how to use the cup easily, other babies may need a little more time. This is completely natural. You just need to keep trying until the baby feels that she's ready.

  • There are some important reasons why introducing sippy cups around this time is beneficial to your baby, including:

 A major disadvantage of the feeder is that it causes tooth decay. Whether natural or artificial, sweeteners in milk are harmful to teeth. When a baby uses the feeder for a long time, the sugar gets deposited on the teeth, causing tooth decay.


Evidence shows that the mechanics of constant sucking may affect the development of facial muscles, the roof of your baby’s mouth, and the eventual positioning of their adult teeth. This can result in an overbite, crooked teeth, and the eventual need for orthodontics later in life.


Research has shown that babies who use feeders for more than a year are more likely to become obese later on. One of the reasons for this is that the baby carries the bottle of milk around and keeps sipping milk, which does not satisfy his hunger and consumes a lot of calories which leads to obesity.


One of the disadvantages of the feeder is that the baby cannot get used to soiled food and the milk is insufficient to meet its nutritional needs. The nutrients that fruits and vegetables provide to the child, the child misses out.


Give the baby only breast milk until at least 6 months of age. And after six months, start the baby on semi-solid foods. You can also use a feeding bottle. Whether you give Expressed Milk or Formula Milk. At 6 months of age, the feeder is better for the baby. But research has shown that feeding a baby with a feeder for more than one year is not good for his health, so you can use sippy cups or training cups.


It is obvious that children are used to drinking milk from their old method and they are very attached to their mother or their feeding bottle. A baby can't give up breastfeeding or bottle feeding at once. Therefore, instead of forcing, follow the slow and steady formula. Gradually let the baby get used to the sippy cup. Feed the baby one time through a sippy cup. Keep this routine for a week and then give the baby two times a cup feed and gradually change the routine. Be brave. Because slow and steady wins the race.


You will try to get the child to pick up, drink, and put back sensibly. But creating a mess is the work of children and it is a habit of children to treat everything as a toy. Let the kids get used to the sippy cup. Let them play with it. Pour plain water in it and give it to the children and put an old cloth under them so that the place is not dirty and they can play with it. Give them an empty cup at first so they can hold it, feel attached to it, and learn to sip it.


 Do not give the same thing to the child over and over again. This will break his heart. Keep changing the flavor for the baby. Like a feeder, you can also give express milk to your baby through a sippy cup. Similarly, make formula milk in the feeder and transfer it to this cup and give it to the baby. Fresh fruit juice or other drinks can also be given in a cup. By changing the flavors, the baby will easily get used to the cup.


Some babies think that feeders and sleep are inseparable, but this is not good for them. During feeders or breastfeeding, babies often fall asleep while drinking milk and the sweetness of the milk sticks to their teeth, causing tooth decay. To avoid this, it is important to burp and pat him down when the baby finishes drinking milk. Similarly, getting milk from a cup instead of a feeder will prove to be a very useful habit for growing children. After finishing the milk, brush the children's teeth and put them to bed.

Just like adults, changes are necessary for children over time. So switch them from breast to feeder and then to sippy cup.

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